At this Global Competitive situation, in India & in the entire Globe, you should not be confused or discourage as various different courses are available around us, but we should choose the correct, which gives you better opportunities to work in India as well as Global with prestigious organizations.
Success can be achieved if you are dare to dream, to do hard work on your dream/goal, remain confident firm on your decision, keep focusing on your dream/goal.
The mission on NIEMS is to maintain and build excellence in the youth, unleash their competencies with Creative & Analytical potentials in the Engineering field it provides professional quality requisite with utmost attitudinal standards to meet the global level requirement of industries.
Due to increasing educational standards & enhancing available professionally managed education culture. The NIEMS is presenting an engineering Diploma as well as Engineering degree level courses & B.B.A/M.B.A course for the student. (Regular as well as correspondence)
Distance learning comes as a blessing to students who want to study further while continuing with their jobs or who might not be able to attend a full time course for various reasons. We are living in a global village and in a country like India, where basic graduation degree is mandatory to get a decent job, where the number of aspiring students outnumber the number of college seats available,
We welcome you to discover for yourself all the dimensions that make our institute a fountain head of prospective engineering talent.